There is a magical energy and feel to Tuscany. It’s a part of the world rich in art, culture, history, and cuisine.
  • Have you dreamed of spending time in Tuscany?
  • Are you drawn to Italy and want to experience the magic?
  • Isn’t it time to make your dreams come true?
If you have ever felt called to Italy, and know that this is a place you need to spend some time, you now have the excuse, the opportunity to do so with a group of like minded adventurers.

This is YOUR opportunity to relax, explore, grow, and meet other like minded individuals who you will be able to consider lifelong friends.

Professionals and entrepreneurs who are ready to connect deeply in order to transform their lives and businesses as we make a shift in our world.
Sign up here for to be notified
of our next Tuscany Adventure!


Karin and Sergio Volo have been life and business partners for over ten years. They’ve worked with Executive Search and Mentoring, always helping people and companies going through transitions. Sitting on their deck one sunny summer morning, they talked about how fun it would be to go to Tuscany with a great group of people who had the same mindset and values in life. They have a passion for helping people be the best that they can be. They are also very passionate about traveling and experiencing new cultures. What better way than to combine these passions and viola!—Dream Life Adventures was born.
They are powerful manifestors of their own lives, having immersed themselves in personal development techniques during the toughest time in their lives.

Karin and Sergio’s mission now is Bringing Joy To The World. They love inspiring individuals, families, and companies to thrive and contribute in meaningful ways! Join them, as the hosts, to the Bringing Joy to Tuscany Tour where you will connect deeply to other like minded professionals and entrepreneurs who love creating their dreams and having a positive impact in the world.